Monday, 16 February 2015

Give examples of how cold war affected art and design

Art and design is always changed during wars, but during the cold war which was set between 1945 and 1991 there had been an explosion of new waves of different genres of art, and since art is influenced by war and politics in a huge amount of art work, the cold war affected those decades.

Different countries held different types of competitions to prove to others that they had a more cultural and artistic community, but through the variety of different arts certain countries excelled more at specific points than others. Such as Americans kick started abstract expressionism and were the forerunners in this categories with artists like Jackson Pollock and Willim De Kooning, as well as much more.

Jackson Pollock- Mural

Willim De Kooning- Attic

Pop art is an art movement that occurred during the 1950's and was a new wave of art that was different from older genres because it included populer cultures such as comic book styles, collages from magazines and a lot of politcal satire involved within the significance of the art. Two of the huge names in pop art was Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Andy Warhol- Eight Elvis'

Roy Lichtenstein- Hopeless

neo expressionism- Jean Michel Basquiat, Frank Holliday

Neo-expressionism was developed in the 1970's as a rebellion against conceptual and minimal art and its style was unique due to artists showing a lot of raw emotion in their work by using their art materials extremely roughly and giving a lot of movement and atmosphere to their art work. This genres work was generally based around human body's.

Frank Holliday- Clown

Jean Michel Basquiat- Profit I

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