Thursday, 12 February 2015

Collect examples of how digital affects the way that we might work and operate on art, find before and after.

One difference in digital work over time is the likes of photoshop, which a few years ago artists never had to use to edit their work, meaning that the majority of their work was done manually and in one shot, involving a lot of sly camera editing and movement to hide how they achieved different affects, an example of this was a photograph by Brian Duffy in 1978 whom was challenged in making an anti smoking campaign without using a model in the image, so decided on using a birdcage and shadow to signify that smoking is a trap that is hard to get out of.

When you compare this to a modernised anti-smoking campaign poster you can see a huge difference.

This piece of work was done by an uncredited photographer for an anti smoking campaign called 'Kill a cigarette and save a life. Yours'. and straight away you can see the difference that there isn't the need for metaphors like in the first example by Duffy because with the aid of new technologies such as photo shop, it allows producers to create virtually anything they need out of nothing, and in this example it is making a gun out of smoke. So does this mean that with a new digital age, less talent and technicality will be needed for up and coming artists? A lot of the last few artistry turner prize winners were won by digital videos so is this replacing traditional means and skills? 

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